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[호주박물관 2018 12월 소식] Gift ideas, School Holidays & Exclusive Members day trip 새창으로 읽기
과학관과 문화   기사입력  2018/12/10 [11:52]
what's on at the Australian Museum
Members' exclusive sale

12 days of Christmas at the AM Store


Make the most of your Museum benefits this gift-giving season by visiting the AM Store and taking part in our 12 days of Christmas offer, only available to AM Members.


Receive discounts on 12 different items including the luxurious silk Scott sisters scarf (pictured in two colours above), books for kids and adults, sustainably-made homewares and skincare products, children's science kits and more.


Just present your Membership card to access the special prices.


When: 8-23 Dec

Where: AM Store, located on the Ground Floor of the Australian Museum

Gift Membership
Give the gift of discovery

As an AM Member, you know what a unique and thoughtful gift an annual Membership is. Discover the incredible diversity and history of our natural world  – every day of the year!


Gift memberships can be bought online or over the phone, come in an elegant gift envelope, and can be delivered to you or directly to the recipient until Friday 21 December. Digital versions may be purchased up to Christmas Eve.

Members' daytrip to Canberra

In this exclusive, Members-only daytrip, we will travel by coach to the National Museum of Australia to see the magnificent Rome: City and Empire by the British Museum exhibition. This special day includes morning tea en route in Berrima and lunch in Canberra before admission to the museum.

When: 19 Jan, 7am-7pm

Cost: Member $115 | Member guest $125

School Holidays
Summer School Holidays

Make the most of your Museum membership and receive great discounts on one of Sydney's best school holidays programs. With drop-in activities, science & photography workshops, coding classes and craft activities the kids will have a whale-of-a-time.


Ages: 4 to 16

When: 2–25 Jan 

Treasures Illuminated
Treasures Illuminated

Recently named by the Age as one of "the hottest tickets for the ultimate Sydney summer", Treasures Illuminated brings to life the history, breadth and scale of our natural world, using cutting-edge digital animation and 3D-mapping techniques.


Free for members! 

Summer Exhibitions

The AM’s blockbuster exhibitions are the perfect place to escape the summer heat. Dive into the world of whales at Whales | Tohorā and marvel at the 18-metre sperm whale skeleton. Or take in the beauty of our bio-region at Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year, which is free for members

Annual Report
Australian Museum Annual Report 2017-18

The Annual Report outlines a remarkable year of science and research, cultural engagement and learning activities at the Australian Museum over 2018. We invite our Members to take a look.

National Geographic luggage

Introducing National Geographic’s new sustainable, luxury luggage range made from recycled plastic bottles: a carry-on bag is made with 84 PET plastic bottles, a medium bag with 118 and a large bag 144. From the intrepid traveller to the fashionista, there is something to suit everyone’s taste and travel needs.

Shop the range and enjoy a 30% exclusive AM Member discount when using promo code NG030. Offer valid until 22 December.

Shop now
  Australian Museum  

Australian Museum Members
Email: members@austmus.gov.au
Phone: 02 9320 6225

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기사입력: 2018/12/10 [11:52]   ⓒ 과학관과 문화
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